
Hiyashi-chuka is a popular summer meal in Japan. It is a noodle dish composed of chilled ramen covered with various toppings such as eggs, ham, cucumber, tomato, bean sprout, seaweed, and pickled red ginger. It looks gorgeous when all the toppings are on. Hiyashi-chuka is usually served with a vinegary soy dressing and mustard, or sesame based dressing.
When I see a sign saying "Now we serve hiyashi-chuka." in front of a ramen shop, I know summer is coming and I get excited.
Here is my advice: You should make noise when you eat hiyashi-chuka or any noodle dish. The louder you are, the more people know that you enjoy it.


Tonykaku said…
thank for the advice. i hope i can find a sign that says "Hiyashi-chuka is now available" here in Torrance.

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